JOHN DUCKETT PHOTOGRAPHY (the silent photographer)


Also Known on Youtube as 'The Silent Photographer' John Duckett is a UK based 'Fine Art' Landscape and Seascape Photographer. Over the years John’s work has appeared in magazines, calendars, books and greetings cards. He's produced work for clients as diverse as the National Trust and Shell UK. His fine-art photographs have made it as far as Canada, the USA, as well as Australia and New Zealand. He has published 3 books of Norfolk photographs and has been a semi-professional landscape photographer since 2004.

Back in the day and pre going semi professional (30+ years ago) I was a fresh faced landscape photographer. I did not care what people thought of my work I just did what I liked, which just happened to be dark and moody.

Then I started to share my work on photography sites and, I'm ashamed to admit it, started to chase likes. I started to change my style to what seemed to be popular (normally strong contrast and vivid colours)!.

Then it got worse I discovered social media and also started to sell my photographs. strong contrast and vivid colours were then joined by brightness as I chased fame and sales. Yes successfully as books, print sales, running workshops and commercial commissions all followed. But I still wasn't as happy as when I was pleasing just myself.

What a too do! I had lost my way, my identity as a photographer. I tried various things to try and get my mojo back, black & white only, square format only, undersaturated soft contrast photographs. They all worked to some extend, and many are still for sale on this and other websites and image libraries, but to be honest I was still struggling with my self-esteem.

Moving forward to today and I have finally come full circle (albeit with a twist) and I am back to my old beloved dark and moody. What's the twist? The twist is Its been a long journey and looking back strong contrast and vivid colour just isn't me. What I have learnt through my journey is how much I like black & white (going back to my film days a nice Ilford 400 was always my film of choice). So the twist is simple, the twist is my old dark and moody style is now finally back but in black and white only.

Popularity and sales may well plummet but I just don't care anymore. I'm a 58 year old and have learnt that I'm neurodivergent. I am autistic and possibly have ADHD, also I'm having treatment for anxiety, It's hard but I'm trying to learn not to worry about what people think (I've even pulled away for the dreaded social media - other then YouTube that is, where I upload silent slideshows of my images!) 'Peer into the darkness' that's the new or should I say the old me!

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